Fat burning trio


2 oz Blackseed MCT oil
2 oz Oregano avocado oil
& 2 oz loose- Tummy Tuck Plus Detox tea

Blackseed- Lowers bad cholesterol , Increases metabolism, Lowers blood sugar, Helps curb appetite & aids in the reduction of body mass index . Studies have indicated that adding black seed to your diet greatly reduces fat in regards to obesity.

Oregano- This herb reduces inflammation in white adipose tissue accelerating the reduction of accumulated fat . Also increases energy levels and aids in digestion of excess gas and Fluid retention .

MCT oil- Promotes weight loss by raising ketone levels . Ketone levels play a role in fat burning . MCTs help to make people feel full and increase the metabolic rate as well . Helps reduce calorie consumption in subsequent meals.

Avocado oil - Nearly 70% of avocado is oleic acid, which increases the fat burning process. Lose weight faster and keep the hunger away longer. More productivity and more sustained stamina throughout the day from the slower release of energy

"Detox " in the Tummy Tuck Plus -
** Lemongrass: has positive diuretic effects that can stimulate the kidneys to release more urine than usual and can reduce water retention.Lemongrass tea may help you lose weight faster by boosting metabolism.
** Hibiscus: Studies show that it can help people lose 2.5-times more weight! Scientists attribute this primarily to its high content of polyphenols, which prevent lipogenesis in the liver (the formation of new fats) and promote the elimination of fat from the liver. Also, increases the elimination of excess water from the body & aids in curbing appetite.
**Cascara or coffee cherry: This fruit contains high levels of chlorogenic acid- reducing visceral belly fat or stubborn midsection belly fat. Research has also indicated that this fruit helps inhibit new fat cell growth And it can help release stored fat from cells Helping to use that fat as energy.

USAGE RECOMMENDATIONS- Slowly incorporate this into your lifestyle . Do not take all of these at once on your first day . These are best taken on an empty stomach for optimal effects. For example 1st day- start with one of these on empty stomache preferably beginning of day. With drops only start with a Half dropper full. On next day - can add one more thing. On next day- add more thing. Then you can slowly increase dosage from there. Although this tea does not taste like coffee- it is a great coffee replacement Especially if also adding a minimum 5 minute workout.
The blackseed MCT oil adds immense energy so can be great for a midday energy boost as well but after 6pm can keep you up at night.

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