Testosterone Honey

$25.00 - $44.00

Ingredients ~raw honey, wild foraged pine pollen, fresh picked holy basil

honey contains important enzymes – invertase, diastase, catalase, peroxidase, acid phosphatase, and lipase

Wild foraged pine pollen is known for it's testosterone content, anti aging properties & libido enhancement. Pine pollen also contains other important amino acids such as Dopa & Arginine..

THE GLUTATHIONE IN PINE POLLEN MAY BENEFIT & BOOSTER YOUR IMMUNE SYSYEM & can be considered natures multi vitamin. 2 teaspoons of wild foraged, native pine pollen in every jar is fermented along with fresh picked, & finely chopped holy basil for 5 days to extract benefits & make them more bioavailable. This process naturally cracks the walls of the pine pollen preserving its antioxidant capacity .

Holy basil has been shown in a rabbit study to increase testosterone levels off the charts while Also decreasing sperm fertility. The advantage of lowering cortisol also helps increase testosterone. Its also hormone balancing so things won't get out of hand.

Uses fresh picked Kapoor Tulsi. strengthens the immune system and increases oxygen uptake in the brain.

Pine pollen contains over 200 bioactive nutrients beneficial for human health including 14 vitamins, 24 minerals, 20+ amino acids, 18 live enzymes, fatty acids and phytoandrogens & phyto testosterone< all of these things increase testosterone. Directly provide testosterone to the body’s endocrine (hormonal) system and benefits can be experienced relatively quickly. The natural androgens are also great for prostate health. Pine pollen increases fertility.
On top of that, Pine Pollen is a great source of glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD). The combination of the fermented holy basil & pine pollen makes this a great sweetener before working out - work out - exercise.

This honey can act as a natural creatine replacement.

For women- This product will help increase and also balance estrogen .

Increases sex drive & improves erectile dysfunction.

“The liver provides about 70% of our active thyroid hormone, by converting thyroxine to T3, but it can provide this active hormone only when it has adequate glucose.”
Dr. Ray Peat

More info ➡️ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLYGmAUs/





Container does not leach plastic and the amber color helps prevent light from entering which helps preserve potency of the honey.

🍯Usage recommendations: Use to replace another sweetener in a beverage. Great to use as your honey for teas (make sure water has cooled down a bit first) Drizzle on top of food; ex.,yogurt parfaits, or take directly on tongue.
One spoon a day goes a long way with the benefits. Take up to 3 spoons daily any time of day.

4 oz. Made in very small batches with love in Dallas, Tx . This item is shipped first class by itself .

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